Trails carolina “investigation” | Uncovering the Truth

Trails Carolina is a wilderness therapy program located in North Carolina, specializing in helping troubled adolescents and young adults who are struggling with emotional and behavioral issues. The program has been in operation since 2008, and has served over 3,000 participants.

In recent years, however, Trails Carolina has been under increasing scrutiny due to allegations of abuse and mistreatment by former participants and their families. These allegations range from emotional abuse and neglect to physical maltreatment.

In response to these allegations, Trails Carolina has denied any wrongdoing and has defended its program’s safety and efficacy. However, the allegations have persisted, and several investigations are currently underway to examine the program’s practices.

The Rising Storm of Allegations

Top Therapeutic Wilderness Program For Ages 10-17 | Trails Carolina

The first allegations of abuse and mistreatment at Trails Carolina emerged in 2022. A former participant, who had been enrolled in the program in 2021, filed a lawsuit against Trails Carolina alleging that she had been subjected to emotional abuse, physical abuse, and neglect.

The former participant’s lawsuit was followed by a number of other allegations from former participants and their families. These allegations included claims of:

  • Staff members yelling at, threatening, and belittling participants
  • Staff members isolating participants from their families and friends
  • Staff members forcing participants to hike for long distances in extreme weather conditions
  • Staff members withholding food and water from participants as punishment
  • Staff members physically restraining participants

In some cases, the allegations were so severe that they led to criminal charges against Trails Carolina staff members. For example, in 2022, a Trails Carolina staff member was charged with assault after allegedly punching a participant in the face.

The Quest for Truth: Investigations Underway

The growing concerns about Trails Carolina have not gone unnoticed. Regulatory bodies and independent investigators are now closely examining the program’s practices.

Trails Carolina — Occupation Wild

In 2022, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) launched an investigation into Trails Carolina. The NCDHHS investigation is ongoing, and it is unclear when it will be completed.

In addition to the NCDHHS investigation, several independent investigators have also been examining Trails Carolina’s practices. One such investigator is Dr. Elizabeth Miller, a professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Miller is conducting a research study on the experiences of former Trails Carolina participants.

Dr. Miller’s research study has already yielded some disturbing findings. In a recent interview, Dr. Miller stated that “the stories that I have heard from former Trails Carolina participants are some of the most horrific stories of abuse and mistreatment that I have ever heard.”

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Uncovering the Truth

The ongoing investigations into Trails Carolina are essential to uncovering the truth about the program’s practices. It is important to note that Trails Carolina has denied all allegations of abuse and mistreatment. However, the sheer volume and severity of the allegations demand a thorough and unbiased investigation.

The findings of the investigations will have significant implications for Trails Carolina and the wilderness therapy industry as a whole. If the allegations are substantiated, it could lead to serious consequences for Trails Carolina, including license revocation and criminal charges. It could also lead to increased regulation of the wilderness therapy industry.

The Need for Greater Transparency and Accountability

The investigation into Trails Carolina underscores the need for greater transparency and accountability within the wilderness therapy industry. Wilderness therapy programs should be required to disclose more information about their practices, including their staff qualifications, their safety protocols, and their outcomes data.

Trails Carolina - Leading Wilderness Therapy For Teens and Adolescents

Wilderness therapy programs should also be subject to more rigorous oversight by regulatory bodies. This oversight should include unannounced inspections and regular audits.

Families who are considering enrolling their child in a wilderness therapy program should carefully research the program and consult with mental health professionals before making a decision. It is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of wilderness therapy, and to choose a program that is reputable and safe.


The investigation into Trails Carolina is a critical step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants in the wilderness therapy industry. The findings of the investigation will have a significant impact on Trails Carolina and the wilderness therapy industry as a whole.

It is important to note that the investigation is still ongoing, and it is unclear what the findings will be. However, the allegations of abuse and mistreatment at Trails Carolina are serious, and they demand a thorough and unbiased investigation.

Families who are considering enrolling their child in a wilderness therapy program should be aware of the allegations against Trails Carolina and the ongoing investigation. They should carefully research the program and consult with mental health professionals before making a decision.

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